Auxiliary supply for Italian earthquake victims May 2012

Friends in need are friends indeed

Since the severe earthquake in Emilia Romagna at the end of May 2012, more than 10,000 people live in the affected regions of the Italian disaster relief camp or do camping in front of their houses.

A return to normality out of sight in the disaster areas. At least for 6 to 8 months they will not be able to return to their homes. Particularly in the historical centers, the damage to buildings is enormous. Many areas are still sealed due to the considerable risk of collapse.

In order to support the affected citizens on the ground, the MHW sent a relief convoy to the disaster area near Modena in a joint action with “Wings of Help – Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen (LOG)” and “@ fire-International Disaster Protection”. The aim was to organize the camps of the Italian Red Cross (Croce Rossa Italiana / CRI) in Concordia and Capri, where the relief supplies can be distributed to the needy.


In total, the transport consisted of two 40t trucks, which were equipped with blankets, tents, food, water and many other items of daily necessity. We received a great deal of support from the Help Children Foundation, which supported the convoy and provided us with Bastel as well as school supplies for the affected families.

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