Extract from the Articles of Statute

§ 1 Name – Legal form – Registered office
1. The foundation is named “Help Children Foundation”.
2. It is a lawful public foundation of civil law.
3. The foundation is located in Starnberg.
§ 2 Foundation purpose
1. The purpose of the Foundation is to provide assistance to children and needy people around the world.
2. The purpose of the foundation shall in particular be achieved by:
1. Financial support for persons who, because of their physical, mental or psychological condition, are dependent on the assistance of others or are poor in the sense of Article 53 of the Tax Regulations, insofar as this assistance can not be provided by persons subject to maintenance,
2. health care or therapeutic measures for children.
3. financial support for children to enable them to receive training which corresponds to their abilities.
§ 3 Tax Benefit, Eligibility
1. The Foundation shall exclusively and directly pursue charitable purposes and charitable purposes within the meaning of the “Tax Beneficiaries” section of the Tax Rules. The Foundation is selflessly active; it does not primarily pursue economic purposes.
2. The Foundation’s funds may only be used for the purposes of the statutes. No person may benefit from expenditure which does not correspond to the foundations of the Foundation or through disproportionate remuneration.
The Help Children Foundation was founded in Germany in 2010 as a legally binding public foundation under civil law and was approved by the Legal Supervision Authority, Oberbayern Government, on 29.11.2010 under file number 12.1-1222.1 STA 41.
The Help Children Foundation is registered at Finanzamt Fürstenfeldbruck under Tax NR. 117/110/92473 .